Saturday, 29 June 2013

The Rating System

Hey Guys,

So as I said in the introduction there will be a ranking system used in the reviews. The ranking system is going to range from 1-10 but has a small gradient. So anime will have ranks like 7.6. This is to ensure accuracy and to allow you to easily see which anime's are better than others. It strikes me as a better idea than having 50 anime just ranked 7. But these ranks mean something, as I will explain:

10: Masterpiece (I doubt you will ever see an anime that ranks this overall from me)
9: Brilliant
8: Very Good
7: Good
6: Fine
5: Average
4: Bad
3: Very Bad
2: Horrible
1: Horrific (I doubt you'll see me rank anything horrific overall either, because a bad anime will still have some redeeming features)

This will apply for the ten points i'm rating anime on. A 7.8 on animation will mean the animation is good. A 7.8 in total will mean the entire anime is good as a whole. But be wary even if a anime ranks high it could have a vary bad aspect that would ruin the entire anime for you. For example a anime may have a animation score of 1 but a story line of 10 so watch out for that. Each rank of these ten aspects for any given anime will also be explained as you will see.

Stuart Macdonald.

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